
Our Reader Score [Total: 26   Average: 3/5]Het was al eeuwen geleden dat ik La Grande Maison had bezocht. Het klinkt misschien gek, maar in tijden van crisis of van hartzeer biedt betaalde liefde soms troost. Je weet dat je bedrogen wordt. Want alle aandacht is gespeeld. Niets...
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All or Nothing: Welcome In

Our Reader Score [Total: 84   Average: 3/5]3 years have passed since the episode at the warehouse and all of the girls went their different ways to different college. Ivy went to take Engineering degree while the Linda, Christy and Sandy went to the same college to do...
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Phone A Friend – Part 2

Our Reader Score [Total: 75   Average: 3.6/5]‘Go on, you tell me what it is about getting your hair cut that gets some people so worked up?’ Alana asked. ‘It’s no good asking me. You should have asked lover-boy when you had the chance’ the man replied. He...
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Skinhead Slut

Our Reader Score [Total: 106   Average: 2.9/5]It had been Marjorie’s idea. Little Tess, her granddaughter, had developed alopecia.  First a small spot on the back of her head, it had spread until Tess’ mother had dreaded brushing her daughter’s hair for the clumps that came out.  By...
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Pixie, Bob, and Bald

Our Reader Score [Total: 81   Average: 2.9/5]Hi! I would love to get some feedback on my story. Please add your comments below. Grace, Pam, Sandy and I have been friends for a long time now. We are the perfect group. The studious Grace who wants to have...
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Een lesje leren

Our Reader Score [Total: 21   Average: 3.6/5]Hallo, ik ben Frans, het volgende gebeurde mij onlangs. Ik woon nog niet zo lang in Utrecht, en heb ook sinds kort, een vriendin, Els. We wonen nog niet samen maar zien elkaar wel vaak. We kennen elkaar aardig maar zij...
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Matilda Saves the Realm

Our Reader Score [Total: 20   Average: 3.2/5]Author Note: I was told by Ava that I need a character synopsis at the end. Spoilers Richard, King of Ajax, poked at the logs in the massive fireplace in his private parlor.   Queen Elaine relaxed on the settee and continued...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 69   Average: 2.5/5]A number of years ago I took over a unisex hairsalon/barbershop -in fact the only one- in a small town in Texas near to the border with Mexico. Being the only hairdresser in this town I trained apprentices to help me,...
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Betting the Wrong Way

Our Reader Score [Total: 139   Average: 3.5/5]Back when I was at school, I had a bit of a crush on this girl. Her name was Alison and man did I have a thing for her. She used to hang around with me and a group of my...
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This Was My Transformation

Our Reader Score [Total: 66   Average: 3.1/5]This is kiranjot . I am a 23 year old girl from a village near Patiala city. I work as a hairstylist now as i cut my own hair 5 years back first time and then started doing this job. At...
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