A Lesson In Trust

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 2.3/5]Two weeks after my wedding my husband asked me “How much do you love me?”. It was an odd question given that the photos of our happy wedding we had just been poring over was proof of this. Me in my...
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Joining The Band

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 2/5]Tabitha had never been one of the cool kids, in fact she liked to hide behind her knee-length straight caramel-coloured hair and never spoke to anyone unless they spoke to her. It came from years of being an only child. She...
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Nina’s Celebrity Haircut

Our Reader Score [Total: 1   Average: 1/5]She’d never won anything before! She nearly fainted when they read her name out at her old school fair (she’d come back to see how the teachers had changed!) and had entered the raffle with no hope of winning, but then...
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The American Cheerleaders Lessons In Humility

Our Reader Score [Total: 6   Average: 3.5/5]Candy had always struggled with her sexuality. She hadn’t known if it was normal to be equally attracted to and repulsed by the male of the species. She knew that she wasn’t a lesbian after an interlude at a disco during...
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The Abused Woman’s Revenge

Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 2.8/5]As soon as Sheila put the phone down to confirm her usual Friday appointment she knew it would be different. After all she had been through it would have to be- her divorce had finally come through after 3 acrimonious years....
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Hair Cut

Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 3.5/5]When that old picture stepping into my eyes,my heart suddenly feels warm with wet wind blowing,together with the flavor of sea and gladly jumping wave,just like to blow a happy whistle and draw a line through the surface of blue sea...
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No More Shedding

Our Reader Score [Total: 12   Average: 2.4/5]I had lived with Suzanne for a few years. We shared a flat and went to the same place of work so it was convenient. Suzanne was a lesbian so there was no chance of us going out with each other....
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The Con Job (Part 2)

Our Reader Score [Total: 10   Average: 3.3/5]Elaine and Samantha Watkins left for Spain after fleeing the States from Elaine’s husband John with the help from the “detectives” Stone and Morris. What they don’t know was that the detectives were actually con men that rob banks to get...
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I Just Want To Be Respected

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 2/5]The school year was finally over. When they came back she would no longer be a student and Jacquie was looking forward to her first posting as a fully-qualified teacher. She knew that she could be fierce when she wanted but...
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Blond, Black and Pink (Part 5)

Our Reader Score [Total: 6   Average: 3.7/5]In Part 4, Penny, accompanied by Melissa, who has now been bald for more than a week, visits Kate’s barbershop where Penny has been given permission by her Mom, Heather, to have her hair cut anyway she wants it. She had...
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