Corte Bastante

Our Reader Score [Total: 1   Average: 5/5]Corte bastante. Na mijn ontdekking van mijn haar fetish zoek je tevergeefs naar omstandigheden waaronder het gebeurt. Helaas gaat het nooit zoals je zelf graag wilt, simpel om het feit dat mensen jou gedachten niet kunnen lezen. Jaar in jaar uit...
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Blond, Black and Pink (Part 12)

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 2.3/5]Leigh had made an appointment for Beth and herself to be models for Kate. Beth had been complaining about her hair for weeks and it was going to be a surprise for her. Leigh wanted a short haircut also, but had...
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I Finally Became A Mortal

Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 3/5]From chinalonhair, translated by Yourenguiduwo and zhilvxiguqing Yesterday there was a big matter of which I had the long hair down to my knee finally trimmed off. Now in my drawer, one 152 cm bread-twisted braids of a monster is very...
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Memory Of A Big Braid

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 2.3/5]From website, translated by Chicixiegaoniao and yinzhizhuanyuanqing In my childhood, I liked the braid very much and thought the well-arranged braid on woman was very attractive. The neighbor mother AShuang had a long pigtail, and I thought she was extremely lovable,...
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My Haircut

Our Reader Score [Total: 10   Average: 2.5/5]My Haircut It was a nice warm spring day, the birds where chirping outside my window. The grass was beginning to green up after a harsh Michigan winter. It was a time of rebirth. Here I sat gazing in the mirror...
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The Long Hair Of My Sister

Our Reader Score [Total: 1   Average: 1/5]From chinalonghair, translated by yuejibujieyin,yingtusuiwoshen, zanbanyuejiangying and xinglexujichun Yesterday, on the way to carry water, I saw a long haired girl again which affair let me think of my sister. The long hair of my sister is the most beautiful hair...
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Hairwonder Makes Your Hair Grow Faster

Our Reader Score [Total: 6   Average: 3/5]”Hey Mir, listen! Here is an ad that says that Hairwonder can make your hair grow four times quicker than normal! Whatdye think?’ Meerah grabbed the magazine from Conchita’s fingers. “Phew, it’s 120 dollars for a three weeks cure. Forget it!...
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Completing The Circle

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 1.7/5]Wendy Cooper walked up First Avenue thinking about the diagnosis she received from her doctor. The biopsy he performed came back positive on the tumor in her breast, and it would need to be removed. Thankfully, he thought they caught the...
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De ontdekking

Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 4.5/5]Nooit heb ik het leuk gevonden dat mijn haar geknipt werd. Zo lang als ik het mij kan herinneren hadden wij een thuis kapster, die heel het gezin onder handen nam. Altijd als ik aan de beurt was, zat ik verstopt...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 1.8/5]Rosa, Elke zaterdag stond ze met haar collega’s in de kou , achter de marktkraam. En soms had ik het geluk dat ze mij hielp. En ik haar zo van dichtbij kon bewonderen. Haar lange blonde haren in een staart samengebonden....
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