Shorter, Just Shorter

Our Reader Score [Total: 26   Average: 2.5/5]She entered the suite knowing only what would result from this day. But not how. And that was even scarier. This odd sensation, racing between terror and erotic thrill bounced around her stomach, almost making her lightheaded. She had fantasized about...
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Blond, Black and Pink (Part 29)

Our Reader Score [Total: 6   Average: 3/5]Blond, Black and Pink – A sequel Part 29 This is the last part of the story of the Crown Point community and the drive of the swim and soccer teams to achieve their goals. Those goals have never been stated...
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Een keer heel iets anders

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 1.8/5]Een keer heel iets anders. De keren dat ik op stap ga zijn op een hand te tellen, zo nu en dan wel eens een feestje bij vrienden thuis, altijd de vaste kliek. Daarnaast nog een paar keer per jaar naar...
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Tracey – Blonde Bombshell (Part 3)

Our Reader Score [Total: 9   Average: 2.8/5]Dianne was vexed. She had been working up to this moment for weeks. Ever since she’d noticed the nervy kid tugging awkwardly at the ill-fitting hairpiece, groping underneath for new growth, before verging gawkily out into the real world with wispy...
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Tracey – Blonde Bombshell (Part 2)

Our Reader Score [Total: 8   Average: 2.9/5]“You’re that girl in the Evening Post, aren’t you?” A familiar shudder rippled through Tracey Whitehead’s body. Always on constant alert for the easy sympathy which would inevitably flow from the `Beauty Shorn By Sicko” headline in the local rag, the...
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Rachel’s Punishment

Our Reader Score [Total: 16   Average: 2.8/5]Rachel hated her situation, but she loved the power. She loved the money and for the most part that kept her mind off her abusive relationship. The man she dealt with. The man she feared, stood quietly outside the front door...
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Chicken or Egg?

Our Reader Score [Total: 10   Average: 2.3/5]“A clean-up.” “Something more feminine- to suit her age.” Mum had told her what they had discussed. She just did as she was told. It was about time she made some changes at this point in her life. She had always...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 17   Average: 2.5/5]“Don’t do it! Endure it like you always have.” says one voice inside her. “Do it! Those bitches deserve it! You can have your sweet revenge at last!” says the other voice. These thoughts kept on circulating in Susan’s mind as...
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Kelly The Barberette

Our Reader Score [Total: 39   Average: 3.4/5]I have seen her a handful of times over the past few months. Usually on the weekends as she plays with a young boy in the playground of the Applewood Apartment Complex. The playground was right at the back of the...
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Mardi Gras

Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 3/5] During the first day of my sojourn in New Orleans to witness the carnival I ran into Larissa, an old friend of mine, with whom I had had a short affair a few years ago. At that time I worked...
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