Awesome Snips

Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 2.6/5]This is a true story that happened to me the last time I went to get my haircut. I walked in to the local Awesome Snips as it had been several weeks since my last cut. As I passed the front...
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Timing Is Everything

Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 3.2/5]Hello everyone. Thanks for reading my first story – The Aggressive Barberette. I would like to apologize for the punctuation in that story. The file was either corrupt or it didn’t transfer properly. Hopefully this story file transfers error free. This...
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Margaret’s Cause (Part 3)

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 2.5/5]Margaret was shaking his hair from the cape. `I have to go to London on business for the next three weeks. Rather than leave you looking like a hippy’, she said smiling, `I think it’s best if we have Adele keep...
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Margaret’s Cause (Part 2)

Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 2.5/5]Stephen picked up the receiver. `It’s Margaret here Stephen. Two things. Firstly, I was wondering how the HSS report is coming along?’ `Ah hello Margaret, it’s almost done. Should be ready about 3 o’clock.’ `Good. Bring it to my office when...
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Margaret’s Cause (Part 1)

Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 3/5]`Come in.’ `Margaret, what I can I do for you?’ `Morning Stephen. A great deal I hope.’ `Oh yes.’ She held a piece of paper in her hand and waved it about. `I noticed you aren’t joining in this afternoon?’ He...
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Ze vroeg het aan mij!

Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 2.8/5]Gisterenmiddag weer naar de kapper geweest. Voor mij kan mijn haar niet snel genoeg groeien zodat ik weer plaats kan nemen in die stoel. Maar gistermiddag zorgde ervoor dat ik nu wel iedere dag bij de kapper zou willen zitten. Ik...
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Subliminal Mindtransmission

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 3/5]It had been a big change for Tracy moving from the small country-town where everyone knew each other to the big city; from her protected existence at home to the life of a student amidst thousands of others at the campus....
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Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 3/5]Anna had had enough, she was losing control again. After years of abusing her body with anorexia as her only means of control she had been lovingly nursed back to health. She was starting to enjoy life but she was in...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 1.5/5]Ik wist bijna zeker dat zij het wel moest zijn! Al die verhalen die ik van haar gelezen had, al die keren dat ik met haar gechat hebt, alles wat ik uiteindelijk van haar wist. Het leed geen twijfel, zij was...
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Margaret’s Cause (Part 4)

Our Reader Score [Total: 6   Average: 3.2/5](A Femdomme / malesub tale) `Hi, come in!’ she said with a sweep of her hand. `I’m just on the phone, I’ll be with you shortly’. She led him into the lounge and as she moved off, looked over her shoulder...
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