Graduation Sleepover (Part 2)

Our Reader Score [Total: 16   Average: 3.8/5]With scissors in hand, I stood to face the girls and said "So, who’s idea was it to punish me with a haircut?" All eyes looked at Denise. "What? It wasn’t just me. You all agreed!" said Denise. Shing! Shing! The...
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Te Kijk Gezet En Vernederd

Our Reader Score [Total: 6   Average: 3.5/5]Ik heb de hele dag al pijn in mijn buik. Dat komt omdat ik een sms-je gekregen heb van Johan, mijn vriend. Hij schreef me: "Schat, vandaag is de grote dag, omdat je nog altijd ijdel bent en naar andere mannen...
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Graduation Sleepover (Part 1)

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 4/5]"So this is it. This may be your last moment with long hair." said Sharon, standing behind me, combing my hair. "Da jie (older sister), are you really sure you want to go through this with your friends?" "Mei, we’ve already...
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The Cost of Karen

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 2.5/5]Karen was my first love at school. We were in the same class and lived in the same street. I walked home with her everyday and we shared that first kiss together as teenagers. During the last year of secondary school...
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The New Salon (Part 1)

Our Reader Score [Total: 9   Average: 2.6/5]It must have been about two years ago now. On a rainy morning, I saw a new Hair-salon, just about 500 meters from my home. A brand new, modern salon and best of all with a large window. From that moment on, I started...
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Working At The Army Barbershop

Our Reader Score [Total: 14   Average: 3.4/5]For a view years I worked already at a hairdresser saloon. It was as usual as at other hairdresser saloons, cutting the same kind of models day after day, changing color, blowing hair dry and every time the same stories all...
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Just Like Rachel

Our Reader Score [Total: 13   Average: 2.6/5]Some minutes ago I left "Crazy cuts" and now I regularly stop at shops with a rather dark interior to study my head using the dark windowpanes as a mirror. I see a girl with a somewhat boring half-long haircut, the...
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Savita’s Tonsure (Part 6)

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 2/5]Savita becomes a baldy We had started looking for a bride for Pranav. Three months after Shaalini’s marriage, we got a good match for him. Of course, the bride’s family – her parents, her two elder brothers and herself giggled a...
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Savita’s Tonsure (Part 5)

Our Reader Score [Total: 7   Average: 3.6/5]Shaalini’s ‘bald’ marriage By now annual Tirumala tonsure, boycut with clippered sides and back in between, clippered tonsure before delivery of a child had become my standard routine. Chandru and I decided that boy or girl, all our children should sport...
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Savita’s Tonsure (Part 4)

Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 4/5]Pranati’s Boycut The Sunday following Pranav’s second mottai (head-shave) the three of us elders walked into the barber shop frequented by my husband. Of course I had Pranav in my arm. Since my m-i-l had last used that shop several years...
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