A Birthday Surprise

Our Reader Score [Total: 9   Average: 2.1/5]The young woman slowed her battered Honda so she could look into the shop’s windows as she drove past.  When she reached the corner she pulled into a parking lot, turned around, and returned from the other direction.  After a second...
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Nicole’s Hair Journal (Part 4)

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 2.5/5]July 1, 2004 Bad news today. I got a phone call today by the policeinforming me that Jeff died in a horrific car crash. We have moved on with ourlives ever since graduation, but apparently he hadn’t changed his emergencycontact number...
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Nicole’s Hair Journal (Part 3)

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 3/5]March 23, 1996 My hair has now grown as long as Chloe’s hair as it was 2years ago! Joanne had just trimmed it for me just then and even then it hangsjust below my butt (covering it completely)! I absolutely love...
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Nicole’s Hair Journal (Part 2)

Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 3/5]April 14, 1993 Lately I’ve been taking much interest in my “bangs”.Actually they’re now so long that they can’t be called bangs anymore. They hangabout three inches below my chin now, while the rest of my hair has reachedbra-strap length. I’m...
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Nicole’s Hair Journal (Part 1)

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 2.5/5]March 24, 1988 Today’s a horrible, horrible day! I wish today neverhappened. I was at Joanne’s family’s house warming party today. Dennis theMENACE, crept up behind me, grabbed my right pigtail, and sliced it off with ahuge pair of scissors, before...
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Marco’s vrije dag (Part 1)

Our Reader Score [Total: 1   Average: 1/5]Marco was er in z’n eentje op uitgetrokken. Hij had ‘s ochtends de trein genomen in liep in zijn eentje door de stad. Nog boos omdat hij niet de moeite had genomen om te checken of alles wat hij wilde bezichtigen...
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Marco’s vrije dag (Part 2)

Our Reader Score [Total: 0   Average: 0/5]IV Carina nam een handdoek enbegon Marco’s haar af te drogen. Terwijl ze de handdoek tegen zijnhoofd drukte dwong ze hem voorzichtig maar daadkrachtig overeind.Toen hij overeind zat depte ze het haar goed droog. Stevig, maarzonder te wrijven zodat het haar...
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Defrosting the Ice Queen

Our Reader Score [Total: 7   Average: 3.1/5]It was nearly midnight and I was clicking the remote, trying to find a movie on TV I hadn’t seen before.  It seemed like all of the cable channels had joined in a conspiracy to keep showing the same old films.  After ten...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 8   Average: 3/5]“Zeg Nicole, hoe lang ken ik jouw eigenlijk al?” vroeg ik aan een van mijn beste vriendinnen. “God Liz, echt al heel lang…vanaf de opleiding van ons”. “Maar weet je, hoe goed ken ik jouw nou eigenlijk…kijk…hoe eerlijk durven we naar...
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Studietijd, een nieuwe fase in mijn leven (Part 6)

Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 1.5/5]Monique bleef doorgaan met het sponsje, net zo lang tot mijn hele haar doordrenkt was met het fixeer goedje. Weer kreeg ik het kunststoffen kapje op mijn hoofd en daaroverheen de muts. “Zo, nu weer even geduld hebben” zei Monique. “Weet...
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