Marco’s Vrije dag (Part 3)

Our Reader Score [Total: 0   Average: 0/5]Carina bleef een beetje op afstand terwijl de twee andere Kapsters aan beide zijden achter de stoel van Marco gingen staan. Langzaam begonnen ze het natte, lange haar aan twee kanten door te kammen.Marco voelde hoe de kapsters in hun nijlon...
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A Protracted Haircut Season (Part 1)

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 3.8/5]I’m not sure if this is a new concept or not but I am going to try to document a progression in haircut adventures as I’m experiencing them. Since I just came up with this idea, there will be some catching...
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Ever After

Our Reader Score [Total: 23   Average: 3.4/5]I stood in front of the bathroom mirror drying my hair, the brush held straight almost touching my waist as I ran the dryer up and down. It was a ritual I had done all my life. But recently I started...
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Beth’s Rent Is Due

Our Reader Score [Total: 23   Average: 2.7/5]When i brought the old farmhouse, it came with an annex. and it had a tenant who payed rent. i was pleased because of the extra income. a few days after i moved in , i met the tenant. i knew...
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Mirror Image

Our Reader Score [Total: 14   Average: 1.6/5]Aunt Heather was nothing like her sister, their mother. The family joke was that they must have come from different fathers. Mum was short and round, relaxed, bubbly and warm and always casually dressed. Heather was tall and lithe, with an austere aloofness about her in both dress and manner.  Always immaculately turned out, she was renowned across the family for her tough demeanour and strict...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 28   Average: 2.3/5] My mother always preferred shorter hairstyles on girls and would always comment on how lovely it looked on actresses and the like in a desperate bid to persuade me to try something new. I knew she would never make me,...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 4/5]The boss knows what I do. But what the fuck? Who else will work the hours I work for the shit he pays? So he knows what I do. He also knows what I don’t do. No playing with dead pussy....
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The Human Touch

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 2.3/5]I used to remember so much about the place of my birth. I can never return there, of course. Yet the memories had never faded, and those bright remembrances used to strike with such force and vividness that it was as...
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The Club

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 4.3/5] “Right this way please.” Murphy followed the receptionist into a darkened hallway. They passed a number of silent grey doors with single small black letters of the alphabet painted on them. Maybe there were more, but the lighting was barely...
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The Businessman

Our Reader Score [Total: 14   Average: 2.6/5]“I have the most useless power in the world.” Two men were sitting in an expensive bar in a very expensive hotel, nursing glasses of single-malt whisky. They were businessmen and friends and were celebrating the successful end of a complicated...
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