The County Show

Our Reader Score [Total: 12   Average: 2.9/5]I said I would take tilly to the county show, not really thinking about it too much,  but suddenly it was sunday morning and i was rushing to pick her up at 9.30,  dont be late she had said.  i nearly...
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A Change For The Better

Our Reader Score [Total: 10   Average: 3/5]He arrived home at the usual hour, parked the car in the garage, and climbed the stairs to their apartment.  She stood at the kitchen sink with her back to him.  As soon as he entered the room he noticed the...
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Jenny’s Pledge Part 1

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 2.5/5] This is it, are you ready?” I asked Jackie as I held the Oster clippers up in front of her face. She took a deep breath and closed her green eyes, her long, silky straight red locks shining beautifully in...
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A Cowboy’s Revenge

Our Reader Score [Total: 6   Average: 2.8/5] “Indu? Hey Indu! You donkey! How many times I am yelling here. What are you plucking at? The harsh steel blades like words peireced Indu’s ears. She limped and came fastly. “Sorry madam, I was not able to come faster...
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Eis:korte botte pony

Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 2.4/5]Al langer speelde ik [man,28 jaar] met de gedachte naar een bureau voor relatiebemiddeling te gaan. Het was er vandaag eindelijk van gekomen en de consulente vroeg mij het hemd van het lijf over tal van zaken.Toen kwam de vraag waarop...
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Knip en scheerfestijn

Our Reader Score [Total: 9   Average: 3.2/5]       Knip en scheerfestijn   Ik belde aan en Nikki, de vriendin van Pamela deed open, de stond helemaal verbaasd, jee zeg, wat kort, en wat staat je dat goed, ik liep achter haar aan en kwam in...
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Anjith’s Prey – Part 2

Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 3.6/5] Hi All! Cool to meet you again. Well, let me start the remaining part of my story. Long time after I joined the college I nourished my mind with knowledge of studies and also developed fetish towards head shaving. My...
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Mommy Cut

Our Reader Score [Total: 22   Average: 2.3/5] Hi my name is Taylor. I am 24 years old.  I have beautiful breast length strawberry blonde hair (it is now waist length, it grew during my pregnancy and I have not cut it since). Most people are surprised that...
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I’m Not Sure Why

Our Reader Score [Total: 13   Average: 3.3/5] I have been thinking lately of getting a really short haircut.  My current style is a very GQ business man’s cut. It covers most of my ears with layers cut into it.  I go with my wife to her stylist...
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Lekker luxe!

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 3.3/5]Heb eindelijk met Sue afgesproken om een weekend te logeren bij haar…bij haar ouders thuis. Nou wil het geval dat haar ouders enkele weken in het buitenland zijn voor een of andere businesstrip. Ze zijn meer weg weg om groot geld...
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