Natailia Moves Forward

Our Reader Score [Total: 12   Average: 1.7/5]Natalia  a 35 year old women with lovely light golden brown hair that reaches the middle of her back walked into Ricks’s House of Hair. She had her usual bi-monthly trim appointment with Rick who had done her hair for the...
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Perm Cropped

Our Reader Score [Total: 23   Average: 2.4/5]For years my wife had kept her hair long and although she knew my preference for short hair it was never a major issue between us, she would often tease me when she caught me looking a short-haired women “Do you...
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You’re Gonna Be A Star

Our Reader Score [Total: 9   Average: 2.8/5]You’re Gonna Be a Star I arrived early for the day-long job hunting seminar at the Holiday Inn.  Local companies had laid off thousands of workers during the economic downturn.  Opportunistic entrepreneurs, always eager to profit from others’ misfortune, advertised training...
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The Deadline

Our Reader Score [Total: 35   Average: 3.4/5]It was Susan’s hair that first caught my attention as she filed out of the crowded lecture hall.  Amid a jostling throng of students at the close of my initial American Literature class, she stood out like a lighthouse beacon on...
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Brenda Makes a Change

Our Reader Score [Total: 13   Average: 2.9/5]It was the start of the new school year and at the local middle school Randy was restocking the candy machine which he did every two weeks. Peggy the school Principal stop by and Randy looked up at her.” Wow, you...
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The Chair Revisited (Part 3)

Our Reader Score [Total: 8   Average: 2.6/5]Sally slowly raised herself from the sofa, she would go next. Her already short hair had just been washed before the pair came out, it looked stunning. Sue gently helped her up into the red leather chair and slowly Sally drew herself back into...
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Sharon’s Surprise

Our Reader Score [Total: 16   Average: 2.8/5]“Sharon, I have had enough of you chewing on you hair”, her mother told her as she was caught chewing the ends of her shoulder length hair.  “We have talked about this many, many time, young lady”. Grabbing her by the...
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Divorced from Her Locks

Our Reader Score [Total: 26   Average: 2.8/5]I had a warm feeling come over me as Mrs. Dickens came into my beauty shop for one of her rare appointments. Mrs. Dickens was in her late fifties. Even at her age, she had the longest and thickest hair of...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 12   Average: 3.1/5]We hebben elkaar lang niet gesproken. Nou ja, gesproken, daar klopt niets van. Hij en ik, we hebben elkaar nog nooit gezien. Het enige dat we tot nu toe gedaan hebben is chatten. Chatten over de passie die hij en ik...
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Maid Made

Our Reader Score [Total: 30   Average: 2.6/5]Diana was your stereotypical country girl; brought up in a well-sheltered home, and innocent to the real world. Upon graduation, she moved to the city to look for a job. Many things about the metropolitan life intrigued her. One of them was how...
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