The Snow Princess

Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 3.4/5]The snow was still falling heavily as he glanced out of the window and was already forming a thick carpet outside the door of his small hairdressing salon.  It was past 5 o’clock and he had already sent his staff home...
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The Platform

Our Reader Score [Total: 9   Average: 4.1/5]He looked along the platform as he waited for his train and as usual studied the hairstyles of all the women he could see. He eyed the neat chin length bob of the woman nearest him and admired the skilful way...
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The Day That Changed My Life

Our Reader Score [Total: 7   Average: 3/5]It happened more years ago than I care to remember, I think I was probably about 12 years old, but I can still clearly recall everything about that day. My mother had met me from school to take me to buy...
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The Accident

Our Reader Score [Total: 7   Average: 3.1/5]The operation had been a success but her arm was still very painful and when Jane left hospital it was still strapped and she was told it would have to remain immobile for at least 6 weeks. Unfortunately it was her...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 4.4/5]Joy’s hair was beautiful. It was waist-length, a heavy silken gleaming fall of chestnut hair, in superb condition. She looked after it extremely well, having the ends trimmed regularly, brushing it every night and was very clever at arranging her hair...
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Island In The Sun

Our Reader Score [Total: 11   Average: 3.4/5]The place was amazing; Jane had never seen anything like it. The salon was almost like a factory and a very busy one at that. She was on holiday in the West Indies and as she loved having her hair done...
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Her Daughter

Our Reader Score [Total: 13   Average: 2.5/5]Her daughter’s hair had been simply tied back in its usual ponytail when she had dropped her off but now when she ran to the car it looked simply stunning. It was sleekly swept back from her face and then arranged...
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Christmas Eve

Our Reader Score [Total: 8   Average: 3/5]It was Christmas Eve, for most hairdressers it was the busiest day of the year and even if everything went well it usually left all salon workers exhausted. Today in John’s small salon everything had seemed to go wrong. The water...
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A New Posting (Part 2)

Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 5/5]Eve watched Colin sweep up the great piles of hair from around the two chairs and then said, “I know you were looking forward to cutting off that girl’s long hair, I saw your eyes light up as soon as you...
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A New Posting (Part 1)

Our Reader Score [Total: 10   Average: 3.4/5]Today’s military women are lucky that they are able to keep their hair long. When I enlisted in 1970, hair could not touch our collars. We were not allowed to use barrettes and any bobby pins or other items that were...
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