The Late Show

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 3.3/5]?Erin, VS1 is showing Empire Records on their Movies that Rock at 11:30! Will the TV bother you if I turn it on?? Jenna Moran was already in her Lands End nightshirt as she talked to her roommate. Her dark pony...
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The Bald Detective

Our Reader Score [Total: 18   Average: 2.8/5]Part One?Cutting a Deadline Close Writer?s block. It had never bothered me much before. It just waited until our livelihood depends upon my writing. I sat and stared at the monitor, wrote a few lines, and deleted them. It was more...
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No Smoking

Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 3.5/5] Hi, Jill! It?s so wonderful that we?ve touched base again, after all these years! Isn?t the internet grand? It?s so sad that our paths separated and we lost touch with each other after we were best friends in high school....
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Satisfying Fetish

Our Reader Score [Total: 10   Average: 1.5/5]Jim always looked forward to walking past that hair salon. Every morning on his way to work, he would walk past the salon and glance through the window. He had always loved every aspect of women?s hair; the shiny long hair,...
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Erin’s Long Hair

Our Reader Score [Total: 26   Average: 3.1/5]Everyone knows how lucky Len is to have Erin as his wife. You would say that Erin is a 10/10 chic. Her tall and slim body is perfected by her smooth and fair skin. Her beautiful sparkling eyes matched her cute...
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What do you think?

Our Reader Score [Total: 8   Average: 2/5]As a female I should care more about my hair, but I don?t. It?s a part of me and I want to look good, but I don?t obsess about my hair like other girls. I get it cut whenever I feel...
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I am in Kansas

Our Reader Score [Total: 22   Average: 2.7/5]It was spring break of my freshman year at college and I had decided to go with my Mom back to her hometown in Kansas to see her best friend from her childhood. It was a small farming community that felt...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 15   Average: 2.6/5]It was my fault. I knew what would happen, but I did it anyway. The exact reason why is what escaped my dizzy head. I?m 16 and last night I came in an 2 hours past my curfew. This isn?t the...
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The Term Paper (Part 1)

Our Reader Score [Total: 7   Average: 2.7/5]Since both of our kids were in school now, I had decided to go back and finish up my business degree. One of my classes had required us to interview different professions in different industries and write a paper on it....
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Tanning Salon

Our Reader Score [Total: 9   Average: 3.7/5]With summer on the way I had decided to join a tanning salon close to the school where I would drop my son off. It was a shopping center with a coffee shop too. It became a morning routine to drop...
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