Fact or Fiction?

Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 3/5]She sat there, staring at the computer. She looked at the picture on the wall. She looked at the phone on the desk. She sighed. She looked out the window. She had to finish the presentation tonight. No more delays, no...
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De Herkansing

Our Reader Score [Total: 11   Average: 2.1/5]Het is nog geen drie weken geleden dat ik bij mijn vaste kapster geweest ben en het ziet er wiir niet uit. Zon jaartje of wat geleden deed ze me de suggestie om het te laten groeien. Inmiddels is het behoorlijk...
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A Sunday Surprise

Our Reader Score [Total: 7   Average: 2.4/5]?What a night,? Will thought as he pulled himself out of the cab. It was the monthly poker night and this one had gone longer than expected. The night had started at the local hang out for dinner and a couple...
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Surprise for Kari (Part 2)

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 3/5] Kari waked to the waiting chair next to her dad, looking, while she sat, at Sharon’s chair. She was capping her mom, when she heard her mom say, "Think I’ll try a Flat-Top, too". Kari eyes opened wide when she...
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A Head Shave in Front of the School

Our Reader Score [Total: 14   Average: 2.3/5]My mum had caught me drinking at youth club she was extremely cross “this is the last time that you go out young lady and I shall make sure” That night I couldn’t sleep I was wondering what was going to...
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Why Not?

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 2.5/5]About 2 years ago I got my hair cut into a very short pixie cut and have kept it that way ever since. My stylist Kim has changed little bits, like longer sideburns and a wispy nape pieces and let the...
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The Buchwold (Part 2)

Our Reader Score [Total: 10   Average: 3.7/5]The representatives from Dawkins Manufacturing lived up to my expectations, and proved to be basically spineless and malleable reactionaries. A couple of over paid suits, used to pushing women around and getting their own way. It’s entirely possible, that in my...
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An Evening’s Indiscretion

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 1.3/5]Eric had fallen in love with Ali in high school and for him, there had never been, nor would there ever be, another woman for him. She was smart, beautiful, full of life and not afraid to speak her mind, but...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 2/5]Sitting in front of her vanity mirror dressed in cotton pink panties and a matching tank top, Maria reached for her brush. Picking it up, she began brushing her long dark hair black hair that reached just past the bottom of...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 2.5/5]La Marisa in calze nerel’ han portata dal barbiereper tagliar completamentequella chioma sua fluente.Con persona gi? ammogliatadentro un letto l’ han pescatacon le poppe ai quattro venti,e senza tanti complimentil’ ha riempita ben di botte,poi nel cuore della nottedi un barbier...
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