Don’t Say It, If You Don’t Mean It

Our Reader Score [Total: 7   Average: 3/5]?I should just shave my head.? My mom said as she ran her nimbly fingers through her light red spiraling mane of floppy curls, though the curls had begun to dry out and it become harsh work to even comb a...
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The Bad Report Card

Our Reader Score [Total: 16   Average: 2.7/5]Our last day of school is finally here, I am looking so forward to just hang around our pool this summer. Every summer my Mom makes me and my sister Cindy get a pixie cut which I totally hate. This summer...
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The Business Trip

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 3.3/5]It was Thursday afternoon around 3:30pm both myself and Richard (Butch) Richard’s nickname were called into Mr. Murray’s office. He told us we were both booked for a flight this evening to Mississippi to meet with the chief CEO of the...
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Back to the Farm

Our Reader Score [Total: 7   Average: 3.7/5]I grew up on a small farm in Alabama, I was a only child and my Dad was a retired Army Drill sergeant and he ran our home like a boot camp. He was always a very strict man. I couldn’t...
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A Haircutting Story

Our Reader Score [Total: 12   Average: 2.8/5]"NO!" 12 year old Jessica shouted at her mother. " I DON’T want to go to the show! My friends and I are going to a movie! I’m NOT going to see that show with you!" "Young lady, you WILL come...
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Debbie’s Foreplay

Our Reader Score [Total: 8   Average: 3.5/5]I was aware of Deb years before I met her. She grew up in the same neighborhood as I and we crossed paths without ever meeting. She was about my age and seemed to be a devoted longhair hippy type of...
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Maid of Honor

Our Reader Score [Total: 11   Average: 2.6/5]?Guess what, Bailey?? my older sister Brianna asked. I couldn?t guess, but whatever it was made her grin like an idiot. ?Rob and I have set a date. We?ll be married on May 8!? I squealed in delight and hugged her,...
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Mr. And Mrs. Buzzcut

Our Reader Score [Total: 10   Average: 3.7/5]My husband and I are both teachers. We decided that is year when school gets out we will drive across the country and camp along the way so we can get to see a lot. Well, the last day of school...
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California Blonde

Our Reader Score [Total: 19   Average: 3.3/5]I had just recently moved to a beach resort in Southern California and was looking for a place to rent, with a roommate. I was really looking forward to having a fun summer vacation before starting back to work in the...
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The Chair (Part 1)

Our Reader Score [Total: 8   Average: 3.9/5]Susan had been a top stylist in a well known shop in London, she had been in the business for 8 years now and had been saving hard so that she could open her own shop. Sue loved to cut womens...
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