The Tipsy Barber

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 3/5]I have three particular desires when my haircut fetish rears its clippered head. First, the barber must be a woman. It really doesn?t matter what appearance or age although I don?t typically like getting a cut from Asian women with thick...
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Mary Louise – Out of her Hands

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 2.7/5]?Wake up, Mary Louise! You?ve overslept! You?re going to be late if you don?t hurry.? Mary Louise lifted her head and saw her mother standing in her bedroom. ?What?? she asked groggily. ?It?s late. You only have ten minutes until the...
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Een Kale Kop

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 3.3/5]Kate Bershaw, een jonge studente van 21 jaar aan de UCLA, besloot haar lange haar voor een keer te verruilen voor een kale kop. Als nieuweling was het normaal dat er ontgroend werd en ze had al van te voren te...
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Een Nieuw Kapsel

Our Reader Score [Total: 7   Average: 1.4/5]Linh, een meisje van Vietnamese afkomst, zat bij de barbershop van haar man te wachten op haar beurt. Ze had hem toegezegd, dat ze haar lange haar een keer af zou laten knippen. Ze vond het spannend, maar toch vooral eng....
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Asian Haircut

Our Reader Score [Total: 8   Average: 2/5]Song Li waited patiently in the barbershop far away from home. She had decided to cut of her long hair. She was anxious how she would like without hair. She had never cut her hair short and it was very long....
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The Bald Barberette and the Headshave

Our Reader Score [Total: 24   Average: 2.4/5]Miko Shatori needed a new haircut. Her last had ruined her long, black hair and she was afraid to have it shaved. It was the last thing she wanted to do with her hair. She had seen her youngest daughter shaving...
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Rita’s Kale Kop

Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 1.5/5]Rita, een Nederlands-Indisch jonge vrouw van vijfentwintig lentes jong stond voor een moeilijke beslissing. Als armzalige studente had ze het niet echt breed en een bezoek aan een haarsalon kon ze niet maandelijks veroorloven. Haar lange haar snakte naar een knipbeurt,...
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Mary Louise- Change Begins

Our Reader Score [Total: 10   Average: 4.2/5]Chapter 1 Change Begins Mary Louise walked into the living room of her family?s home and immediately knew something was different. The day had been pretty much like every other one of her senior year in high school. Graduation was just...
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The Chair (Part 3)

Our Reader Score [Total: 8   Average: 2.9/5]Sue had now been in the shop for about twelve months and things could not have been better. Business was good, very good. Liz had grown her thick blonde hair out from the usual cropped look and Zena’s chestnut brown hair...
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Louise?s Barber Shop

Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 2.8/5]From the caf? across the road I watched her putting the money from the last customer in to the cash register. Well, it?s my turn now. I swallowed nervously ? I always felt a little awkward and uncomfortable whenever a haircut...
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