Our Reader Score [Total: 13   Average: 3.1/5]Sariha had only recently moved to St. Louis. She was 20 and on her own for the first time. She was a very attractive young woman. She stood 5′ 6" and had a very nice lean figure, with small pouty breasts....
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Susan Hill

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 3.8/5]“Hello, is that Paul? It’s Susan Hill.” For a moment he couldn’t place her and then suddenly his stomach gave a little lurch – of course, Susan of the fabulous long hair! “Oh hello “ he replied. “How are you after...
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Brief Encounter

Our Reader Score [Total: 12   Average: 3.8/5]Julie sat in front of the mirror vigorously brushing her very long hair. She smoothed the brush through the gleaming chestnut hair until it was completely free of all tangles and fell in a straight heavy fall down her back to...
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For My Country

Our Reader Score [Total: 9   Average: 2.7/5]This whole ordeal began when I won that stupid qualifying match. It had always been a dream of mine to swim in the Olympics, and after I won the final preliminary, I realized that my goal was finally in reach, I...
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Aqu?l Inolvidable Viernes

Our Reader Score [Total: 1   Average: 3/5]Ah? estaba yo, a punto de entrar en un lugar por el que me daba un peque?o escalofr?o el siquiera pasar, aunque fingiera que ya lo ten?a olvidado. Las piernas me temblaban y parec?a que ten?a que concentrarme para dar cada...
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A Teacher’s Detention

Our Reader Score [Total: 7   Average: 2.3/5]Ms, Felina was the teacher of sixth grade language arts class she had beautiful dark brown hair. She was about 6 feet tall with a big ass and matching breasts. She had shoulder length hair. Earlier that day she had given...
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Lenningsburg Pier

Our Reader Score [Total: 13   Average: 2.8/5]Margaret Eleanor Blitzenburger would probably have been considered an anomaly. One of those people you might consider quaint and charming, but never taken seriously, if it hadn’t been for Grandma Moses. Who is Grandma Moses? Obviously you’ve been living under a...
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Suzie’s New Hairdo

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 3.8/5]Ester, the Head of Department B, was headed to her office when coming at her was a young girl in her Early twenty’s. She was of dark skin and had the loveliest Raven hair that hung to her waist. Ester followed...
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Late for Work, No More!

Our Reader Score [Total: 9   Average: 2.2/5]Amy had trouble getting up in the morning and getting ready for work. Due to her hour of hair maintenance she was late for work at least 2 times a week. Her father worked down the street from her and knew...
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I Was Not Late

Our Reader Score [Total: 9   Average: 3.6/5]We arrange a time and place to meet, a place you know. I arrive on time and sit, waiting patiently, for you to appear. My first drink is soon gone, and you still have not arrived. 15 minutes later, I’m starting...
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