Ben Always Knows Best

Our Reader Score [Total: 17   Average: 4.4/5]Genni and Ben had been together for almost 3 years. They lived together in a flat in heart of London. Genni worked for a large financial company in the City and Ben was a Senior Stylist at a local salon. The...
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Maybe Next Time

Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 2/5]It had been six weeks since my last haircut. I have extremely thick curly hair, and found the best way to keep it is to have as little as possible. Last time I went to have it cut, I noticed a...
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Flink kort

Our Reader Score [Total: 8   Average: 2.5/5]Als kapper droom je er van dat er op een dag een vrouw je zaak binnen wandelt met prachtig haar die dan tegen je zegt: "Ga je gang, kapper". Ik had laatst zo’n dag. Er kwam een mooie jonge vrouw van...
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You Are Not Going Like That

Our Reader Score [Total: 10   Average: 3.5/5]He rolled out of bed at 7:00am, took a hot shower, made some breakfast, checked his suitcase and his briefcase. She finally woke up due to a kiss on the forehead. She yawned and looked up at him with sleepy eyes....
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Tom’s Haircut

Our Reader Score [Total: 2   Average: 4/5]23 year old Tom a sales representative for a communications equipment company is having a "rough" morning. His computer decides to act up and there fore is unable to meet a 10am due period for a sales print. he is so...
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Hair Play is Fair Play

Our Reader Score [Total: 11   Average: 3.6/5]Next! Amber rose to her feet from the waiting area. Although she had done this many times, she was still a little apprehensive. Being in a barbershop gave her mixed feelings of utter fright, and unimaginable excitement. From the moment she...
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Dani’s First Day

Our Reader Score [Total: 17   Average: 2.8/5]Dani Sutherland shuddered as she was marched into the prison barbers. She was only 19 and had been jailed for running over a man who had previously assaulted her even though it had been a genuine accident. Her induction had been...
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Orthodox Haircut

Our Reader Score [Total: 19   Average: 3.2/5]I am narrating my experience twenty-five years back. I was aged twenty- eight and was married seven years prior to that. We belong to the orthodox south Indian Brahmin family. My married life was disappointing, as my husband could not satisfy...
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De eerste stap

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 1.7/5]Vanmiddag heb ik een afspraak bij de kapper. Ik vind het best wel eng, maar nu ik eenmaal besloten heb iets anders met mijn haar te gaan doen, ga ik de stap ook zetten. Ik heb al in een aantal tijdschriften...
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Clippin’ Cousins

Our Reader Score [Total: 4   Average: 2.3/5]I don’t hear from my cousin Genevieve terribly often; birthdays and Christmas, and the odd phone call in between when the blur of her London life slows occasionally. So it was quite a surprise to hear her voice on the phone...
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