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The Wife, The Husband and The Nanny

Our Reader Score [Total: 23   Average: 2.9/5]Regardless of whether or not Judith Evans suspected the young girl, sat in front of her and her husband, might be just a little too attractive to be the family’s nanny, she had to put her feelings to one side. The...
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A New You, Angelina

Our Reader Score [Total: 14   Average: 3.4/5]Unfortunately for Angelina, her parents had decided that she could go and stay with her Auntie whilst they went on a romantic cruise for four weeks. Not that being 19 years old, she wasn’t old enough to look after herself but...
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Long Hair – My Life

Our Reader Score [Total: 7   Average: 3.6/5]Once,I had long hair reached my waist. Just at the time when I received appraisement for my silky hair from others,I had it cut. The down-hair was about half a meter,falling like flying-feather down to the ground. One neat noon,the sunlight...
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English Class Kelly (Part 1)

Our Reader Score [Total: 0   Average: 0/5]Kelly is an adorable high school senior who sits near me in English class. She has the cutest face with bright blue eyes and a petite yet sexy body, toned quite nicely by her years on the soccer team. Despite all...
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English Class Kelly (Part 2)

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 2.3/5]The rest of the story as told through Kelly’s words: When I got home from school Friday I called up Bobby and told him that I was coming over after dinner. He said his parents would be gone all night and...
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What A Nice Surprise

Our Reader Score [Total: 10   Average: 4.1/5]“I hope Jen will be ready on time tonight,” Sam thought to himself as he put on his new hip blazer.  It had been six months since they first started dating, and she was late more often then not.  On their...
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Blond, Black and Pink (Part 3)

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 4.7/5]Melissa (13) and Christine(15) have now been shaved smooth and clean for the past 3 days at the insistence of their Mother Paula.  Melissa had met with her good friends on Saturday and after some initial criticism on the part of...
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Amanda’s Phobia

Our Reader Score [Total: 14   Average: 3.3/5] Amanda Waller could have been the most average twenty-six-year-old woman on the face of the earth.  Her body was nothing to write home about, being right in the middle of chubby and very skinny and standing at about 5′ 4”. ...
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Village People (Part 6)

Our Reader Score [Total: 0   Average: 0/5]She smiled again at him and said, “Perhaps.”   She hesitated and then said, “It is getting a little late.  Would you like to come back with me and have a drink and I could cook us a meal.”  “That would be...
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Hair Dilemma of Rima (Part 1)

Our Reader Score [Total: 5   Average: 3/5]Note: This is purely a fiction. Any resemblance of incidents or characters is coincidence. I am from Mumbai, from India. My name is Rima. In my country woman keep their hair long. So, woman with bald head is a spot for...
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